PAN AM recognizes the following syllabi for examinations:
International Style:
- Walter Laird
- Burns Latin Technique
American Style:
- Dance Vision
Student Medal Testing Guidelines
I: Benefits of Student Medal Exams
II: Preparation & Marketing for an Examination Session – Medal Exams
III: Examination Day Guidelines
I: Benefits of Student Medal Exams
Pan American of Teachers of Dance administers exams in order to improve standards of dance on multiple levels. We provide exams ranging from Student Medal Exams to Professional Teacher Certification to Competition and Championship Adjudicator Credentials.
For all levels of dancers there are specific benefits in holding a certified Pan Am Diploma:
* Drive and Determination: Preparing for any exam provides a goal for which to aim. Progressing along this goal ladder will lead students and professionals towards the next step in their dance education.
* The exam process, with written assessment and certificate of accomplishment provide a concrete
acknowledgement of success.
* Medal Exams entice students to work diligently and commit more fully to their dance experience.
II: Exam Preparation in the School - Student Medal Exams
II.I Once the exam has been scheduled generate excitement in the school. Examples include:
• Staff and teachers encouraging students for this next step in their dancing
• Sign-up board in the studio with the names of the exam candidates and the levels and styles being examined
• Have a special awards ceremony following exam day to acknowledges the accomplishments of the candidate where they will be presented with their medals and critiques.
• Schedule special group classes for students training for exams. This will set them on a different level from other students and encourage dedication
II.II One week before scheduled Exam please have the following preparations in place:
• Finalized list of exams to be performed and send to examiner for preparation.
• Pre-Fill information for all individual Medal Exams (form provided)
• Post clear exam schedule and ensure all examinees arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before their appointment.
• One staff member scheduled to act as Music Director for exams with correct tempo selections.
• Finalize schedule with Examiner
III: Examination Day Guidelines
III.I Examination Day Guidelines:
• No other activities can occur in the room used for Examinations.
• Table and chair for Examiner placed at the side of the floor.
• Medal Test Candidates may have observers if so desired.
• Music system and Music Director prepared for the entire day
III.II Exam Etiquette:
• Instructor shall escort the applicant into the room and introduce them to the Examiner.
• The Examiner shall not discuss performance.
• All forms must be copied so that the Examiner may retain one copy.
• Examiner shall present passing individuals medals and results at the conclusion of the day or in the
evening at an awards ceremony.
III.III Conclusion of Exams
• Medal Exam Test Papers and results shall remain with the organizing studio.
• Copies of all exam forms must be made for the Examiner.
• The results of the Medal Exams shall be know the day of the exam.
• Accounts are settled with the Examiner before departure. This shall include the Examiner’s
hourly/daily fee, travel, all reimbursable expenses etc.
• Exam Fees shall be sent to the Company Secretary directly along with an accounting sheet of exams given.
• Certificates will be given directly to the Candidate along with a copy of the exam records during the awards ceremony. Please be sure to always keep this copy of your exams in the Studio for future reference
III.IV Possible Reasons for Medal Exam Failure:
• Make sure your students are on time – dancing out of time is an automatic failure.
• If student appears nervous, the Examiner will always try to calm the student and give them a chance to begin again.
• Excessive faults in footwork may also result in a failing grade.
III.V Medal Exam Forms
• The form will include a point system grade which will give the student a result of Fail, Pass, or Pass with Honors.
• Brief critique of outstanding performance or giving points on which to focus. Make sure students
understand the time only allows for very brief notes.
• Time of each dance shall vary depending on the needs of the examiner, usually 1-2 minutes.

Professional Teacher & Adjudicator
Testing Guidelines
Pan American of Teachers of Dance administers exams in order to improve standards of dance on multiple levels. We provide exams Professional Teacher Certification to Competition and Championship Adjudicator Credentials.
Professional Exams provide a stepping-stone for professionals to transition from competitor to teacher and adjudicator. These credentials add credence to any professional career.
Preparation for an Examination Session – Professional Exams
It is recommended that you train with a qualified professional or Examiner. The secretary of Pan Am will be able to assist you in finding a qualified trainer. Please note – your Trainer may not be your Examiner.
Professional Exam Criteria – dependent on level of exam
Dance with and without music as both Man and Lady
Know Precedes and Follows
Technical Details to include Holds, Foot Position and Placements, Alignment, Rotation
Time signatures and rhythms
Demonstrate explanatory abilities.
Examination Day Guidelines:
No other activities can occur in the room used for Examinations.
Table and chair for Examiner placed at the side of the floor.
Professional Exams are always conducted in a private setting.
The music system and Music Director prepared for the entire exam session.
All Exam Applicants must arrange their own partner for the exam – this partner may be either professional or amateur.
All forms must be copied so that the Examiner may retain one copy.
Professional Exams results will be recorded and Certificates mailed directly to the Candidate along with a copy of the exam records. Please be sure to always keep this copy of your exams for future reference.
A candidate who fails to dance in time to the music during any portion of a Practical Demonstration is a mandatory failure. Should a candidate fail an exam there is a minimum of 30 days wait period before retaking the exam.
All candidates will receive a study preparation list showing the figures that they are required to know for each dance. (please note the candidate will not be questioned on every item listed but should be prepared to answer any possible questions.) Each progressive level of examination will include more advanced figures.
be prepared to dance all figures as both Lead and Follow with and without music.
be prepared to explain the timing of all figures on the exam list
be prepared to explain the footwork for both lead and follow of all figures on the exam list
be prepared to discuss alignment, direction, and rotation for both lead and follow of all figures on the exam list
be prepared to explain applicable holds, foot position, CBM, CBMP, sway, one precede or follow
for Member and Fellowship exams additional discussion of theory will be encouraged and detailed in the exam preparation paperwork.
Professionals interested in taking their examinations can start with the Associate Level.
Professionals interested in taking their Fellow examination must have their Membership in that style for 2 years.